Concordia Neighborhood Association General Meeting
June 9th, 7pm
McMennamin’s Kennedy School
In light of recent neighborhood events and public interest in safety and law enforcement issues, CNA has postponed the general meeting to June 9th (originally June 2nd) in order to ensure the participation of appropriate law enforcement and public safety representatives. CNA’s regular meeting of the Board of Directors (open to the public) will begin at 6pm, followed immediately by the General Meeting from 7pm to 8:30pm. Come one, come all.
The meeting will be immediately preceded by a meeting of the CNA board at 6pm. All are welcome. Detailed agendas below.
Agenda for abbreviated June Board Meeting at 6pm
1) Request for Funds for Yard Sale— (Donna Carrier, Yard Sale Organizer)
2) Request for Funds for National Night Out–Need $500
3) Establishment of Community Room Maintenance Fund for Cleaning Supplies, garbage liners and thorough monthly cleaning. Deposits? Mgmt. fee? Make sure Renters are following the contract and removing garbage and mopping floor after each use.
4) CNEWS delivery of bulk papers (Ali) and Establishment of Media Committee
5) Reps at the NECN Board Election in June (June 16th)
6) Meeting Calendar July, August?
7) Committee reports
Agenda June 9, 2015 General Meeting at 7pm
Kareen Perkins, City of Portland, Bureau of Development Service.
Update on City housing issues
Officer Anthony Zoeller, PPD, update on gun activity/crime – Citizens
Mary Tompkins, our Crime Prevention Officer, handles CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) for Concordia Neighborhood