March 6th at 7:00 PM
McMenamin’s Kennedy School Community Room
(SE corner of building, just off the parking lot)
This month’s meeting topic:
Curbside Collection Services for Food Scrap Composting.
Babs Adamski, Outreach Coordinator for the City of Portland will be there to provide information on a fund raising opportunity and answer questions about the new curbside collection system.
Opportunity to raise funds for your community organization!
How can your neighborhood association, nonprofit group, ethnic group or community of faith raise funds while teaching Portlanders how to compost their food scraps with ease?
Portlanders are doing a great job adapting to the new Curbside Collection Service with food scrap composting and the change to weekly pick up of the green Portland Composts! roll cart and every-other-week garbage collection.
To continue to help Portlanders become successful at food scrap composting, the City is seeking groups of volunteers ages 18 years and older to provide door-to-door training and troubleshooting for residents in St. Johns, Woodlawn, King, Concordia, Cully, Centennial, Lents, Powellhurst-Gilbert, Brentwood Darlington and Woodstock. Volunteers earn $2.00 per conversation or $.50 per piece left behind for their organizations.
Contact Babs Adamski at 503-823-8753, or Renée Johnson at 503-823-1862, to get involved. Canvassing begins February 28, 2012.
Additionally, we will be reading & voting on a proposed change to our bylaws.
Proposed bylaw amendment:
General Meetings: Membership meetings will be scheduled at least quarterly at such time and place as established by the Board. Notification shall be by mail, newsletter, posted notices, telephone calls, electronic mail lists or any other appropriate means of communication apt to reach a majority of the members. Notification shall require seven days advance notice to the general public and a minimum of 24 hours’ notice for all active members and to individuals and news media that have requested notice.
General Meetings: Membership meetings will be scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month at such time and place as established by the Board. Notification shall be by mail, newsletter, posted notices, telephone calls, electronic mail lists or any other appropriate means of communication apt to reach a majority of the members. Notification shall require seven days advance notice to the general public and a minimum of 24 hours notice for all active members and to individuals and news media that have requested notice.
The CNA Board wishes to move to a quarterly General Meeting schedule to give us more time to plan more educational, interactive, and community-building activities and presentations at General Meetings. Our hope is that this will inspire more neighborhood participation in General Meetings. Quarterly General Meetings could become candidate forums, health fairs, neighborhood strategic planning & visioning retreats, or other special events designed to inspire and engage broader participation of neighbors and businesses. The CNA Board affirms that community comments and ideas will continue to be welcomed at every monthly Board meeting, and that we encourage neighbors to get involved and give comments at Board meetings.
This amendment will be read at our General Meeting and voted on by membership for approval.