CNA has recently met with the Port of Portland’s Noise Management team to discuss concerns about the safety of increase F-15 travel over nearby residential areas as part of their present “test”. One outcome of those discussions has been a reminder that anytime – day or night – any resident has a concern about aircraft noise of any kind can call the Port of Portland’s noise hotline: 503-460-4100. But now you can also report your concerns – and view flight patterns – on-line using WebTrak.
WebTrak is an online flight tracking system covering the greater Portland/Vancouver area. WebTrak offers a wealth of information about each flight, ranging from altitude and direction to aircraft type and airline to flight or tail number. For security purposes, the system is delayed 90 minutes and does not show government, military or law enforcement flights.
I took WebTrak for a whirl. You pick a location and time period and then you watch plane icons move across an area map. Basically this gives you the option to clearly identify the flight that was causing you grief and you can report the problem using an on-line form in WebTrak. Try it out yourself by logging on at, you definitely need a high speed connection to use it.
WebTrak is a neat tool but it is a little clunky and if you are experiencing a noise problem, you have to wait at least 90 minutes to identify the issue using WebTrak. It remains easier and quicker to just call the Port at 503-460-4100 when you hear a wayward and/or loud aircraft.
When you call the Port or submit a report on-line via WebTrak, the Port noise management team is required to thoroughly investigate and respond within 48 hours. In some cases, the information provided by citizens or obtained during the investigation, is used to refine the noise abatement program and in discussions with aircraft operators.