In light of recent events in our city – and rising racial, cultural and faith-based tensions across our country – the Concordia Neighborhood Association (CNA) reiterates our commitment to fostering a strong and safe neighborhood.
We cannot rely on legislation alone to eliminate hate from our world. Instead, resistance must come from the bottom up, from within our own communities.
We agree with the recent statement from our Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, which “strongly encourages all our neighbors, friends we know and those we have not met yet, to stand in solidarity with marginalized and vulnerable communities and individuals. Find ways to get trained in ‘bystander intervention,’ and ‘disrupting racism’ trainings.
“Get to know all your neighbors, even those who may be different from you, as your neighbors are your greatest assets in our ability to create resilience and safety during challenging times.”
We may have a history of challenging racial relations, and are in the midst of a period of growth and sometimes uncomfortable change. However, we believe Portland today will stand together against hate, and our community will not tolerate fear tactics and intimidation.
The CNA board of directors has changed our board meeting time and date so we no longer conflict with RACE TALKS, held on the second Tuesday of each month, beginning at 6 p.m. at McMenamins Kennedy School.
We invite our neighbors to join us at Race Talks for important conversations. The July 11 event topic is “Protecting Yourself Physically and Emotionally in Trying Times.”
Standing united in amity and peace,
Your CNA Board of Directors
Chris Lopez, Chair
Daniel Greenstadt, Vice-chair
Heather Pashley, Treasurer
Steve Elder, Secretary
Ali Novak
Amelie Marian
Donn Dennis
Garlynn Woodsong
Isham ‘Ike’ Harris
Jody Pollak
Robert Bowles
Truls Neal
Tyler Bullen