By Astrid Furstner | CNA Chair
A few updates on our current developments from our board meeting in February include:
- Potential development of the old Adams/Whittaker site
- Confirmation of our application to the Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) for this summer’s Concerts in the Park series
- The February deadline for people to apply for lowincome housing
- A report from the Land Use & Transportation Committee regarding the update provided by the Portland Bureau of Transportation on the status of the Lombard and Columbia Corridor plan
It appears that our little neighborhood has many events and issues coming up. Lack of a quorum slowed us down in February, but won’t stop us going forward.
To continue to be here and serve you, we need your help. Don’t worry, I won’t put you to work (yet), but I would like to see more of our neighbors take an active interest in what goes on in our neighborhood.
CNA needs you to help by actively participating in the future of our neighborhood. There are a few fun and exciting events in the works. The CNA Annual Spring Egg Hunt is Saturday, April 11.
When our family moved to Concordia, it was one of the first events we attended. Our daughter loved it – we loved it! It was so much fun to see so many of our friends and neighbors out enjoying the event.
This annual event is organized by volunteers, and we need your help Friday, April 10, to stuff hundreds (thousands) of eggs and early the next morning to hide them. This year we are also asking for prize donations and candy donations. The children will find some eggs that are eggstra special – they contain tickets redeemable for prizes! Children take the special eggs to the booth to trade them in for prizes.
CNA usually purchases all of these prizes – and we will again – but, if any of you have an unopened kid-friendly gift that you would like to donate as a prize, please contact
Other awesome events we are working on are the Concerts in the Park. We submitted our application to PP&R and hope to be selected so we can put together three Friday night concerts at Fernhill Park in July.
We hope to line up bands/musicians for the blues, Latin, and bluegrass genres.
Historically, this has been a wonderful series for our community. If we are awarded the opportunity to host it again this year, we will need volunteers. Do you have ideas for bands? Pass them on to me at!
CNA’s goal is to enhance the livability of our neighborhood and maintain an open line of communications and liaison among the neighborhood, government agencies and other neighborhoods.
Help us meet those goals by: participating in meetings and events, sharing your ideas, and engaging and investing in Concordia and its residents.
If you become aware of events or issues that pertain to our Concordia neighborhood, I encourage you to reach out and send me an email letting me know what the issue or question is and anything else you would like to share. Together we all make a difference. Together we all make Concordia our home.
Astrid Furstner is a mother, a wife, an immigrant, a local artist and an artisan. She lives with her luthier husband, Brent, and her artist-in-the-making daughter, Luciana. Together, they call Concordia their home.