By Paloma Wykhuis | CNews Special Writer
The Alberta Street Fair is my absolute favorite place to spend a hot summer day!
From food, to art, to fabulous costumes and even live music, (not to mention the parade) the Alberta Street Fair is truly a magical tradition.
Every summer I look forward to going. My mother owns the store Frock on Alberta Street, so I get to proudly represent the store in the parade each year.
I help throw candy and hold Frock’s banner. I have been in the parade since I was a one-year-old, and Aug. 10 will be my 15th Alberta Street Fair. Many of my favorite childhood memories are being pulled in a wagon in the parade and around the fair when I was small.
The Alberta Street Fair is interesting because everyone dresses up in the most silly and unique costumes. Ignoring the usually humid weather, parade participants dress in full costume.
You will see people dressed as elephants and other animals mingling with clowns and fairy princesses, and you will always see the neighborhood Hello Kitty walking past the booths lining the street.
It has always been a special tradition for my family to participate every year and it’s always fun to take a day off of the usual hustle and bustle of normal life to be silly and have fun dressing up.
The fair also has amazing shows that you can watch while viewing the booths or grabbing a bite to eat. Kids put on a talent show at the end of the parade. Additionally, there are two other stages on either end of the street where local bands provide entertainment.
After the parade, I like to visit the art booths. The art booths capture my imagination because they are all unique and each has something beautiful, different and interesting to offer.
I love making art, and it inspires me to see the incredible art that Portland artists bring to the street fair. It’s always fun to buy the art and support local artists.
The fair makes you feel like a real part of the Alberta community. You get to see old friends, and you get to meet new people who are a part of the community.
Of all the street fairs I have been to, the Alberta Street Fair is my favorite. It really brings out the fun and excitement of Alberta.
I hope to see you there!
Paloma Wykhuis is a 15-year-old sophomore at Jefferson High School. In addition to attending the annual street fair, she enjoys writing and making art.