By Tamara Anne Fowler | CNA Media Team

“He’s my baby. He’ll come back.” Nic’s positive. Nic is the parent of Finn, the cat who hangs out at New Seasons on 33rd Avenue and Killingsworth Street. Finn is so well-known he even has his own Facebook page.
Finn made himself the local ambassador at the store. He would stand at the front doors greeting all who wanted to shop. People started leaving food out for him which store employees would discourage, because that would attract rodents.
Ever the adventurer, Finn loved to jump into cars. New Seasons employee Keith said Finn had been holding court there for about three months before he disappeared.
Finn has been missing since Jan. 2, when somebody came to Nic’s house to deliver his empty collar. It was found in the grocery store’s parking lot, and Nic concluded someone had stolen him.
Shortly after moving to Concordia 13 months ago, Nic went to the Oregon Humane Society in search of a cat.
Finn had been surrendered in 2014 at age two, when his owners’ son had become more and more allergic. They had been leaving Finn outside. It grew terribly cold and was getting colder all the time. The family did not want an only outdoor life for Finn.
Nic discovered Finn and fell in love immediately. “He is quite the charmer.”
Finn is an indoor/outdoor cat and happy to be in both worlds. He spends his time lounging with his family indoors, and he will sit by the door when he wants to go out and visit his friends at New Seasons.
Finn was also an ambassador for outdoor cats. Nic thought it was important for him to correct misunderstandings about indoor/outdoor cats and outdoor cats in general.
“I’ve seen outdoor cats get a bad rap because of studies supposedly showing that cats kill billions of birds a year. I looked into this and found that most studies on this subject are inaccurate, due to wildly extrapolated statistics.
“Cats do have an effect on wildlife, but so do a lot of predators: coyotes, birds of prey, dogs, humans, etc.”
What Nic wants people to know is: Finn has a family, is loved and is eagerly awaited at home. If you have any information on his whereabouts, call 888.466.3242 toll free.