By Carrie Wenninger, CNA Media Team

This month’s featured mural is unusual because its canvas is not the side of a building, but the blacktop!
Mural location: Intersection of Sumner Street and 32nd Avenue
Artists: This mural was created in conjunction with the Village Building Convergence (VBC), part of the City Repair Project. Good neighbor Taylor Nehrling spearheaded the effort, bringing the community together to paint a tribute to Brook Irwin, who lost her fight with cancer the year prior, and to honor Brook’s husband and son, who reside in the family home at the corner of this intersection.
What the artwork represents: In a word: community. The design was inspired by the things that Brook loved… from stones for her affinity for geology, and hibiscus and waterfalls representing her affection for Hawaii. Even her name runs through it as moving water. The dragon motif evolved spontaneously as neighbors worked together on the design.
Age of mural: It was painted in spring 2015 with donations from VBC, Concordia Neighborhood Association, local realtor Mark Charlesworth and neighbors.
Fun fact: The stepping stones running through the brook offer both the idea of safety as well as a playful, skipping opportunity for passersby.