The ANNUAL CNA HOLIDAY PARTY is just around the corner, so please mark your calendars! Once again, Concordia University has generously donated their Student Event and Activity Center (SEAC) for our event, which is located on the 2nd floor of the Hagen Campus Center (Building #3).
Download a map of the Concordia University Campus.
There is an elevator to the 2nd floor for those folks who are unable to use the stairs. All residents and business owners of the Concordia Neighborhood are invited to the free holiday festivities on Tuesday, December 7th in lieu of our General Meeting. The holiday party is a great way to meet new neighbors and mix and mingle with friends, old and new, in a festive and family-friendly atmosphere.
This year Concordia University’s Brass Ensemble led by Dr. William Kuhn is going to be playing between about 6:30 and 7:15pm. We are also delighted to be serving homemade Mexican food provided by Rosie Gomez. The CNA will also be providing nonalcoholic beverages. Additionally, we will be having a cookie decoration station for children so they can create their own tasty treats. New this year will be the Pie Walk for neighbors of all ages. The lucky winners will take home a delicious pie donated by some of our local businesses.
Also, we are pleased to announce that one of our own CNA Board members, Isham Harris, will be leading us in a few festive holiday songs. If you would like to participate in providing additional music for our event, please contact Katie at 503-449-9690. We hope to see you all there for this fun end-of-the-year event!